Be Inspired into Creativity by Beauty & Wonder

Be Inspired into Creativity

Beauty. It calms the mind, brings peace to the soul. It's all around us, waiting to be noticed. Waiting to be appreciated. Waiting to be shared.

Within these pages I will share glimpses of the beauty that I notice, and invite you to share yours as well. There is so much more in the world that is beautiful rather than scary. But it takes a daily effort to overcome the tidal wave of negativity always being thrown at us. Together, our many voices can help drown it out and bring light to the world. Focus on what is good, what is beautiful, what is admirable, what is noble and worthy of our attention.

Are you ready? Keep scrolling below as I add new things regularly.


  • “Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing, and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."

    — Max Lucado

  • “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere."

    — Vincent Van Gogh


Autumn Bouquet

Autumn Bouquet

I love to spend time in the fall wandering through my forest, gathering interesting or colorful things to put together into a natural arrangement. Something to remind me of warmer days as the winter months ahead begin to close in on us. I am so fond of rich earthy colors. The reds and blues and many shades of gold.

I know that each season offers it's own kind of beauty. The cooler winter months ahead offer us time and no excuses not to be indoors, working on projects long put off during the tempting months of summer. Saskatchewan people have plenty of time each year to work on their creative skills. Perhaps that is why we have so many great artisans and musicians.

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